everybody has a story to tell about their life

Searching for the bomb crater

Peter Rowe, 2013

Liz: when was it you went out to see the crater?

Peter: Oh that was a bomb that dropped, I think he was on the way back probably and he thought he’d have a go at the railway station at Port Isaac Road or the bridge there and dropped a bomb that landed in a field about a mile past Port Isaac Road Station. Of course when we said that there was a bomb dropped out in a field there of course you know he after souvenirs or shrapnel or anything like that, as kids.

We thought one Sunday afternoon we would go out and poor old Jack had to drag me along, as they were more Jack’s friends than mine, Billy Brown oh can’t remember anymore now, if Jack was here he’d remember them. I went with them and we walked out to Port Isaac Road Station and then to where this bomb was and we found the field with the crater in and we searched everywhere for bits and pieces but we couldn’t find anything. On the way back they had a friend who lived in Port Isaac Station, Basil Cleave.

Liz: Oh the traffic warden

Peter: Yes he was the traffic warden for many years in Wadebridge. Anyway his Mother invited us all in for tea which was fantastic because I was knackered and all the others were knackered as well and Basil was so excited because he didn’t see friend very much stuck out there. He was so excited he was sick (lots of laughter) poor old boy.

Anyway we set off from there and we got nearly back to Poltreworgy and father arrived in the car. He was furious, he had the Police out and oh my goodness he didn’t know where we were and we should have been home hours before and all that sort of thing, so Jack got a load of stick from father and the others got stick from their parents and so on and so forth but anyway it all ended alright in the end.


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