everybody has a story to tell about their life

Good food for Thrash Day

Janet Chadband and Dennis Knight, 2013

Janet: Yes, the men were outside that day, as I said I didn’t have anything to do with outdoors because I was indoors all the time. The only thing that was cooked before hand was ham which was done the day before and pasties were all freshly made that day, flat buns, splits, yeast buns all made the same day.

Dennis: You always found you never had any trouble getting the threshing machine whenever you wanted it as long as you provided good grub. If you had bad grub they’d skirt around that farm.

Janet: Ya the May family always had a good name for food. And there were apple pasties for afternoon tea, splits would be ready by then, yeast buns would be ready by then, ham sandwiches, flat buns if there was any left and the apple pasties would be about that size (Janet indicated with her hands that the apple pasties would be about 18inches long), cut in half, turned up on their ends, sprinkled with sugar and a bowl of cream.

Dennis: Eat, they eat like hell but worked like hell. That’s why we are all so fat now ‘cos it was just press a bleddy button there was no button to press then.

Janet: Oh yes it was all manual work. I mean I weighed 9 stone if I was lucky. 9 stone!!!


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