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Village Shops

Ian and Noreen Honey, 2013

Interviewer: Which shops were down the bottom of the village?

Noreen Honey: Well we can remember a fish shop over opposite Bernard’s there.

Ian Honey: Bill Steer had a fish shop there.

Noreen Honey: Guy Hawken, I can’t remember that shop.

Ian Honey: Guy Hawken, an ironmongers. I remember that shop, you used to go downstairs.

Ian Honey: Then where Ted Childs is (bottom of Church Hill), that was Tremaines. A wonderful shop. I didn’t remember it but I heard they sold everything including glass eyes. Ted tells the story, a genuine story, that someone went in and asked for a glass eye and he pulled a drawer out and he had a drawer full of all sizes and colours! Artificial glass eyes!

Ian Honey: You could get anything for fishing boats in the shop that is now The Fudge Shop.

The telephone exchange, Herb Scott lived in there eventually, and Harry Mormon’s boot-makers shop halfway up Church Hill. Edgar Bate bit further up was the tailor. He was a tailor with one leg shorter than the other. He was also the postman. He would deliver a telegram for threepence to Port Quin from Port Isaac.


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